The Master SALES FUNNELšŸ§˜šŸ»

Worked for me, still working for my Clients. How about you?


Every business builds its Foundation on the Basis of a Sales Funnel,

how does any sales funnel give out the best conversion rate?

Thatā€™s what we are going to be talking about today.

Every year, I see many businesses that are just starting up, go through random blog posts or youtube videos, and create the most complex Sales Funnel ever.

But thatā€™s what I wanna avoid talking about here. I am going to walk you through the easiest one a 15-year-old can use and is used by millionaires,

Before we jump onto that,
Letā€™s talk a little about what a Sales funnel is, for those of you who are not aware.

šŸŽÆ Sales Funnel in simple words,
is a force or automation created by a business to get immediate sales of a product/service that is being sold by the business.

To start with,


It mostly focuses on providing your ideal audience with anything that they require in a very easy-to-get, free project. What you hear at every single business, offering ā€œfreebieā€.

But a ā€œfreebieā€ is also one of the main things that differentiate a successful business Sales Funnel from a basic one.
No person is stupid enough, to provide you with their information just to get something they can google.

  • So, plan it.

  • Make it enticing.

  • Place it in such a way that your audience feels the need to take it, without a doubt.

  • And then ask for their information.


Once you have got your FREEBIE sorted, the next thing you need to focus on is your Traffic Source.

You have to find a way to get the right traffic to you, now you cannot be using spammy ways.
You gotta research.

It could be anything.

  • Free Webinars

  • Your Social Media following, i.e. Your Personal Branding. IF YOUā€™VE GOT THIS, You are sorted.

  • A Search Engine i.e. Google, Youtube, or Pinterest.
    Which, I believe you really shouldnā€™t be focusing on Google right now. Because it is a Search Engine, I had to say it but no it is not the best.

    Pinterest and Youtube work way better than that. So think it through.

    Inside the Circle, I help businesses understand better how platforms like Pinterest and Twitter, influence your business the most. Click here to check that out, and use the code PI20 to score an addition off! (cta)


A person or a business may or may not be aware of the requirements of their business. it is your responsibility to educate.

Yes, this is a core, hard-core part of SALES FUNNEL.

Educate. Educate. EDUCATE.
Nurture the shit out of a person.

You are not doing this for them. You need to make sure you make the person well aware of what you can help with and what not.

Until and Unless, you have made the other person feel they have actually learned something from you, itā€™s not gonna make a big difference.

Thatā€™s the final stage, mi amigo.


The Process of creating a good Sales Funnel is to make sure that 80% of the Sales Funnel can be automated once it is made, and then work on the other 20%.

Of course, there will be people who will say that this is not possible and that this is too big of an ambition to speak about, but the thing is,

Every Single Business Model is POSSIBLE.

Iā€™ve read crazy-shit business case studies, (Some of those you can catch in the $100 Startup as well)

And the only thing they had in common was,


So, yes we are going to be successful, and here starts the map.

The MASTER Sales PLAN:šŸ§˜šŸ»

Now, Iā€™m not here to talk top-off shit. We are going to dive deep and I will be giving you the exact plan I am using right now to promote any of my clientā€™s businesses so that it works for you like it does for me.

YOUR Sales Funnel Needs:

  • Traffic

  • Lead generation Page + Freebie

  • Something to educate and nurture them

  • A place where they can reach you, and meet acquaintances.

As simple as that. Just these 4 things.

The Software we will use, (or you should be using)

  • For TRAFFICšŸ„‰

    The best place right now I know is PINTEREST AND TWITTER.
    Nothing better than that.

    It does what it does.

    When you are trying to convert to get yourself traffic, you should
    - engage
    - educate
    - entertain

    And these platforms are the best for that.

    Also, If you are someone who might be interested in checking out how to automate your business through Pinterest and Twitter on your own, I suggest you check this out.

    If you are someone whoā€™s already got this sorted, then letā€™s move ahead.

  • For Lead Generation + Freebie šŸ„ˆ

    Let me get to the lead generation first,
    so every time you are actually looking to build your community or audience, you will be required to have a specific place where your audience lands.

    Now, for the most part, people do not focus on this and do not optimize their landing pages well.

    But the whole story lies here.
    I might be interested in your product but most definitely I will not be committing to your business if the way to opt-in is a boring bitch ā€œhi Iā€™m joe helping your business get your sales rightā€.

    Instead, have it, ā€œIn the past 3 years, I have helped 20+ businesses scale from 4 figures to 5 simply by changing the way they make their sales. Is this something you are looking for? ā€

    And then add a VSL. For those of you, who donā€™t know, I'm sorry but please check it out on google xD

    Your VSL not only works as a lead to make your audience know you better but also helps them trust you and act as a freebie.

    If still, you need to, create a document on the notion, or PDF, Checklist, which will be the cherry on top.

    For lead generation, if you are looking for something free, try, or,

    The Simplest, the best, and the Easiest to use.

  • (simple image of a place where people can land)

  • A place to NURTURE šŸ„‡

    This is the last and almost the most important step of the process.

    For this as well, I am personally focused on the 2 best systems out there,, and
    That is all.

    Once you have known these systems properly and You understand how to segment your audience, how to read their habits and track what they like and what they donā€™t (which both of these easily do), You can ROCK THIS.

Now you know. If committed, it does not take more than 2 weeks to learn and understand just one of those systems.

You can go ahead and choose Twitter, if thatā€™s what you love, and leave Pinterest.

You can go ahead and just choose Instagram above all, or even LinkedIn.

The important part is to be where your audience is and be consistent.


IF you are someone who is looking to automate your business and set it up for you, we in The Circle, help businesses convert from 4-figure sales to scale up by x4 BY changing their Sales Funnel.

Throughout March, you can get the circle for a discount of 49$.

Just use code: CRCL49

Hereā€™s everything youā€™ll discover in the course:

  • How to create a Sales Funnel for no To Low Investment

  • The blueprint to Content Hyperwheel, so you never run out of content

  • My system for building a 60-day content queue in one go

  • Tools that will explode the growth of your brand

  • How to build a newsletter to own your audience and monetize your community

  • How to grow your organic Presence by just changing the software you use.

Grab access to the circle with almost 50$ low.

Just use code: CRCL49

I hope this helps you create your own Sales Funnel for Business,

Until then,

